Representative Projects


Radio pharmacy production and distribution building of "BIOKOSMOS SA" company in Lavrion


The building consists of three main unities which are:

Production and Laboratories
Keeping and maintenance of crude material

All E/M installations have been designed to a “detailed design” level, in cooperation with a specializing team of foreign consultants due to the special requirements of the project, and particularly the cyclotron, the rooms of supporting it and the Laboratories with high level of cleanliness requirements.
Capacity of main equipment:

Chillers: 1 x 25 RT, 1 x 32 RT & 1 x 50 RT
Boiler: 1 x 280 Mcal/h
Transformers: 2 x 400 KVA
Standby Generators:  1 x 250 KVA
UPS: 1x30KVA
D.H.W. Generator: 1x1000 lit

Fire Fighting: 

9 Bottles of FM200 of total Storage Capacity 542.6 kgr
14 Bottles of CO2 of total Storage Capacity 480 kgr